Spine Surgery

Spinal surgery treats conditions and diseases of the spinal and musculoskeletal system. The spine is particularly susceptible to injury. Many spinal injuries originate from misuse. We offer treatment for spinal conditions like chronic lower back pain, pinched nerves, herniated disks, scoliosis, and spinal stenosis.

Spine Surgical Procedures


A discectomy is used to remove a spinal disk when it becomes herniated and begins pressing on a nerve root along the spinal cord. Your surgeon may opt to perform a discectomy along with a laminectomy, depending on the severity of your spinal issue.


A spinal laminectomy or spinal decompression is performed to remove the bony walls of the vertebrae. Bone spurs can also be removed. The goal is to open the spinal column to alleviate pressure being placed on the nerves. This procedure helps to alleviate pain, weakness, and numbness that can result when spinal stenosis leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal.


In this spinal surgical procedure, your surgeon will enlarge a hole in the bone where a nerve root exists along the spinal canal. The creation of this hole prevents bulging discs from forming or your joints from thickening, which can occur with age. Both issues can put pressure on the nerve, which can limit your mobility and cause chronic pain.

Disk Decompression

Nucleoplasty or plasma disk decompression is a laser surgery that uses radiofrequency energy to treat lower back pain when the discomfort is caused by a mildly herniated disk. The surgeon inserts a needle into the disk before a plasma laser device is inserted through that needle. The tip of the needle is heated, which creates a field that vaporizes the disk tissue. The disk shrinks, relieving pressure on the nerves, which alleviates the pain.


These spinal surgeries are used to repair compression fractures that occur as a side effect of osteoporosis. The procedures use an injection of bone cement that hardens and fortifies the structure of the spinal bone.

Spine Fusion

Spine or spinal fusion removes the spinal disk that exists between two or more vertebrae. Adjacent vertebrae are then fused to the treatment area using metal devices or bone grafts secured together by screws. Spine fusion can cause a loss of flexibility in the spine and may require a lengthy recovery period. This is to allow the bone grafts to grow together with the vertebrae which is necessary for proper healing.

Find Freedom from Pain and Mobility Issues with Spinal Surgery

If a spine injury has inhibited your life or dealt you pain, contact us to schedule a consultation for spinal surgery at the Beverly Century Surgery Center in Beverly Hills.

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